
Project partners

On this page you can see the institutions participating in this project in a map view. By default all institutions involved in the projects (project leaders, partners and participating schools) are displayed. By means of a filter you can select which institutions you want to be displayed. For the schools moreover a differentiation according to the type of school is possible.

By means of the control elements on the top left or the mouse wheel you can zoom in and out throughout the map as desired.

Clicking on a pin will provide you with further information about the partner. An overview of all institutions involved in the Sparkling Science programme is available here: Map view

Legend: yellow pointerScientific institutions blue pointerPartners from Economy and Society orange pointerSchools

List view

This view lists all involved institutions in alphabetical order. Clicking on a name in the list will take you to the map view, showing you where the institution is located and display further information about this participating institution.

Scientific institutions ()

Schools ()